Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mamma Mia Contest!!!

Interested in winning a pair of tickets to the upcoming Mamma Mia play at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa?   Keep reading :)

There are 3 pairs of tickets to the opening night (November 15th, 2011) up for grabs!

What would you look like in a costume like this one?

Here are the details on how you can win one of the 3 pairs of tickets to the November 15th, 2011, Mamma Mia production:

1. Comment below on this blogpost, Broadway Accross Canada facebook page, or my facebook page with a photo of yourself, an animal etc in a costume that could be part of the play/movie.

2. Comment below on this blogpost, Broadway Accross Canada facebook page, or my facebook page with an original costume design that could be part of the play/movie.

The contest opens on September 28th and will close on October 31st. You can enter as many times as you wish, each different photo will count as an entry.

Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Broadway Accross Canada - Mamma Mia (Ottawa - November 15th - 20th)

What could this photo have in common with an upcoming contest for free Mamma Mia tickest???

Keep checking in for a chance to win :)